Sunday, December 7, 2008

2008 Thanksgiving

     This year thanksgiving was a little different 
than the past ones I have had. I usually end up 
spending it with someone's family, but this year 
a few of us friends who couldn't spend the holidays 
with our families decided to come together 
and be there for one another. These are just 
a few pictures of what our dinner looked like.

Joel fixing up food in the kitchen.

My party platter.

Yazi's delicious turkey.

The dinner table.

The bird that started it all. Delicious. 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Wild Animal Sanctuary

So there's this great place 30 miles North East
of Denver called The Wild Animal Sanctuary. The
sanctuary has been active for 29 years. This place
cares for abused and neglected exotic animals that
have been rescued from all over United State
Mexico and Canada. The animals include wolves,
bears, lions, tigers, jaguars, mountain lions,
and servals.
Ever since I was little i loved wild
life. Especially the exotic wild life. Big
cats like tigers, lions, jaguars, cheetahs,
and leopards always intrigued me. One day while
I was doing research on my favorite animal, tiger
I ran across the Wild Animal Sanctuary homepage.
The things they had on there were quite 
interesting to me so I decided to check the place
out. It was quite an experience to learn about
the animals there.
Anyone that enjoys wild life should go there
and check the place out it's pretty amazing. The
cost is ten dollars. It's definitely worth it.
Here are a few pictures. Their website link is
just down bellow.

These two tigers were posing for 
me all day long. They were in 
quite a cuddly mood.

Here they are again. The one on 
the right knew I was taking 
pictures so it through out a  
different facial expression.

Photo-shoot end. They're all done 
being models for the day.